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Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

Our practice can provide the following services: ​

Antenatal clinics

Antenatal clinics are run by the midwife by appointment only. Your doctor will refer you to the midwife when your pregnancy is confirmed. Alternatively if you perform a positive home pregnancy test, you may make your own appointment to see the midwife by calling the surgery.


Referral is made by the doctor. An appointment will be sent directly to the patient by the counsellor- they are to help you through a wide range of personal and family difficulties. Demand can be high which may mean a wait of several weeks. If you cannot make your appointment please let us know as your slot can be given to another patient.

Immunisation clinic

These are run by the practice nurse/doctor on a Tuesday morning; it is important for the well being of your child that he/she attends this clinic.

Diabetic clinic

These clinics are run by a specialist nurse and a doctor. All diabetics on our register are invited for annual checks. Regular review of diabetic control is encouraged, as this helps long-term complications.


This service is obtained by a doctor’s referral. Appointments are sent out by the physiotherapist.

Minor operations clinic

Run by a doctor on a Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. It includes excision of minor lumps and bumps and joint injections. An appointment will be offered by the doctor during routine consultations.

Asthma/ COPD clinics

The clinics are run by a qualified practice nurse. We offer regular review of treatment and instruction on inhaler use and self-help.

Health checks

All new patients are invited for a health check. If aged between 16-74 years and have not seen a GP within the last 3 years then please make an appointment. Patients over 75 and have not attended within the last 12 months should also make an appointment.

Cervical smears

Reminders of these tests are sent to patients homes directly from the primary care support England. Upon receipt, please call and make an appointment with the practice nurse.

Chaperone services

Any patient visiting the practice and is required to be examined by a GP is offered a chaperone. The practice staff clinical and non clinical are fully trained in chaperoning patients.